The current legal information controls the use of the service that the Hotel Tikar website ‘https://hoteltikar.com/’. (established in Carretera Garrucha a Vera, 17 04630 Garrucha, Almería) offers to Internet users.
The functioning of the website is conditional on Portal users (from hereon, the ‘User’) and implies full and unreserved acceptance of all of the provisions included in the current Legal Notice, published by Tikar Gestión, S.L. at the moment that the User accesses the Portal. As a consequence, the User must read the text carefully on every occasion he/she intends to use the Web portal, as there may be modifications.
Tikar Gestión, S.L.owns and holds the licence for all of the information contained on this portal, as well as all the elements within it: the graphic design, images, databases, trademarks, logos and texts, which are protected by the terms in the Intellectual Property and Trademark Laws.
By virtue of articles 8 and 32.1, second paragraph, of the Intellectual Property Act, it is expressly forbidden to reproduce, distribute and publicly communicate, including any means of making available, of all or part of the contents of this webpage, for commercial purposes, in any format and by any technical means, without the authorization of Tikar Gestión, S.L.. The USER agrees to respect the intellectual and industrial copyright pertaining to Tikar Gestión, S.L.
Likewise, the User must refrain from deleting, altering or manipulating any protective device or security system installed on the Hotel Tikar portal.
DATA PROTECTION (RGPD – the Spanish acronym)
Tikar Gestión, S.L. complies with the requirements established in the Regulation (UE) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of April 27th, in compliance with the rules on the protection of individuals, and as established in the current legislation for the Protection of Personal Data, ensures the proper use and treatment of the User´s personal data.
For this purpose, for the personal data collection forms, Tikar Gestión, S.L. will inform the User about the existence and acceptance of the particular conditions of the processing of the User´s data in each case, and about the identity, the address, the rights, the possibility of exercising access rights, rectification, cancelation or opposition, the purpose of the data processing and any communication of data to third parties, where applicable by the data controller.
You may consult more detailed information about our Privacy Policy at the following link: https://hoteltikar.com/en/legal-notice/
Tikar Gestión, S.L. does not guarantee the availability and continuity of their Website and Services. Whenever reasonably possible, prior notice will be given of interruptions in the operation of the Website and Services.
Tikar Gestión, S.L. does not guarantee either the usefulness of the Website and the Services to carry out any activity in particular, nor its infallibility and, in particular, although not exclusively, that the Users may effectively use the Website and Services, accessing the different web pages that make up the Website or those from which the Services are rendered.
Tikar Gestión, S.L.reserves the right, without prior notice, to make the modifications that it sees fit on the Website, and it may change, remove or add both the content and services provided through the Website and the way in which they are presented or located on the Website.
The provider itself, or through a third party contracted to provide measuring services, may employ cookies when a user navigates on the website. Cookies are files sent to the browser by a web server for the purpose of recording the user activities while navigating.
The cookies used by the Website are solely associated with an anonymous user and computer, and do not themselves provide and personal information about the User
The cookies make it possible for the server where the Website resides, to recognise a User´s browser in order to make navigating easier, allowing, for example, Users that have previously registered to access areas, services, promotions or contests, exclusively reserved for them, without it being necessary for them to register every time they visit. The cookies are also used to measure audience and traffic parameters and monitor progress and the number of entries.
The User has the option to set up his or her navigator to receive a warning when receiving cookies and to prevent them from being installed on their computer.
Please, read your browser instructions and manuals for more information.
To use the Website is not necessary for the User to allow the installation of cookies sent by the Web Site, or third parties acting on behalf of the holder of the Website, notwithstanding that it is necessary for the User to log in as such in each service that requires prior registration or login.
The User may find more information about the use of our cookies at the following link: https://hoteltikar.com/en/cookies-policy/